Environments with wings

Manage and share development environments,
package your projects for others,
and publish artifacts anywhere.

Harness the power of Nix. Develop, package, publish, run anywhere.

Instant Collaboration

Stop losing time on environment set up.

Share isolated, versioned environments, on any machine, for instant dev onboarding.

Ship & Share

Build and publish packages into a personal or team catalog to simplify collaboration.

Publish proprietary packages into flox environments for easy distribution to users.

Cloud Native

Your development environment is your CI environment. Leverage caches to speed up and reproduce your builds, and bundle your project into an OCI container on your way to production.

Security & Compliance

Identify vulnerabilities, simplify compliance efforts, and gain unparalleled visibility and control into your deployed software.


Built with Nix

Install cross-platform, cross-architecture packages from the world's largest and freshest package repository: Nixpkgs.

Check out our CLI on GitHub

What our users say

"Okay wow! I just gave @floxdevelopment a shot and it all… just worked. [...]"

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